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Sheepskin Jackets Endure the Test of Time!

25 Feb 2017

There is nothing quite like sheepskin to keep you warm and shielded from the cold. The classic flying jacket is an old-time favourite that everyone loves and which dates back to the WWII bomber pilot sheepskin jackets worn by those courageous individuals to protect them from the cold at high altitudes whilst flying. The RAF pilots of the time loved the look and feel of the leather and soft velvety wool so much that they wore the jackets for the general outdoors and they wore it with great pride as well as pleasure.

The classic sheepskin flying jacket is now an iconic timeless style that has kept true to its origins for over 70 years and is still very much coveted for the very same reasons it was originally chosen by the RAF : comfort, warmth and durability.

Nowaday’s the old faithful sheepskin jacket is still very much adored and cherished by many as it is ideal for winter and early spring wear.  However a newer use for the sheepskin jacket is for open top car driving as well as vintage car racing.

A sheepskin is always a fantastic investment as with a little care they will last many, many years and will in addition never date whatever happens with fashion.